Follow these simple steps to score 8 bands or above on your IELTS exam!

The IELTS exam is divided into 4 parts: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. I successfully passed my exam scoring 8 overall bands with the tips I am going to share today with everyone. Follow these steps and pass the test in 15 days on your first attempt!

Listening (30 minutes and 4 recordings)

Get used to the accent and common English words used on the recordings. Listen to the recordings available over the web and YouTube. Solve 1 sample every day for 15 days without any gap in between till your day of the exam.
When done solving the sample, check where you made the mistakes. Answers are available with those samples. Go back to the portion in the recording and listen again. You will realize what went wrong and you should slowly be able to overcome those problems in 15 days.

Reading (60 minutes and 3 passages)

The first thing you need to do when you start your reading exam is to go through the questions first. You will remember the questions thoroughly while reading the passage. When you think a paragraph is important and you remember a question being asked from it, underline that paragraph. Then go back to the questions and answer them from those highlighted paragraphs.
Again, solve one sample every day without any gap to get better at this technique and increase your reading speed.

Writing (60 minutes and 2 parts)

This is the part found difficult by most students. With the tip I am giving you today, you can rise above the challenge. Follow this pattern on alternate days: One day read 7 samples of essay writing and 3 samples of descriptive writing. On the second day, solve one sample each. Do this for 15 days continuously with time tracking. When you read lots of samples, you start catching new words, phrases, formatting, sentences, vocabulary, and structuring.
When you are done writing your exam, go through your tasks and find mistakes. If you will have time left, go through the essay task one more time and look for some words you can replace with a better one.

Speaking ( 11-14 minutes and 3 parts)

The speaking test is usually taken on a separate day face-to-face individually. People usually get nervous before this exam. The first tip is to calm down and relax. Treat the examiner like a person you are having a casual talk with. Don’t be scared of them! Think that you know how to talk fluently with confidence and this will result in a lot of content and flow without any pauses.
Talk in English at home and get fluent in the time you have for preparation. Watch YouTube sample videos and then try to answer questions yourself. A lot of students try to keep the answers to common questions in their minds and then forget the answers in front of the examiner. Don’t put too much pressure on remembering things. Keep the stories realistic and just share things with the examiner naturally.

Last but not least, stay calm throughout the exam!

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